
Aramid Fiber Webbing Tapes


Aramid fiber webbing tape is a new type of composite high-performance ribbon woven from Aramid 1414 fiber. It has extremely high strength (greater than 28 grams per denier), 5-6 times that of high-quality steel, 2-3 times the modulus of steel or glass fiber, twice the toughness of steel, and only 1/5 of the weight of steel. The continuous use temperature range of aramid is extremely wide, ranging from -196. It can operate normally for a long time within the range of C to 204 ℃. The shrinkage rate at 150 ℃ is 0, and it does not decompose or melt at a high temperature of 560 ℃. It also has good insulation and corrosion resistance, and a long life cycle.


Due to the special performance of aramid webbing, it is now widely used in various fields such as industrial conveyor belts, safety belts, industrial lifting belts, glass tempering furnace roller belts, etc., which have special requirements for webbing.