
Aramid: Old brand king of bulletproof vest material


If bullets are "spears" on the battlefield, then bulletproof vests play the role of "shields".As a "shield" on the battlefield, bulletproof vests are extremely important to protect oneself from the barrage of bullets.

How do bulletproof vests protect lives? A bulletproof vest is a material that deforms, ruptures, absorbs, and consumes the kinetic energy of bullets or fragments to prevent their penetration. On the battlefield, bulletproof vests face not only bullets, but also fragments of shrapnel such as hand grenades and artillery shells.

In the era of underdeveloped technology, hard materials such as metals and ceramics are often used as hard bulletproof vests. However, due to material reasons, these bulletproof vests are often bulky and to some extent hinder the wearer's movement.

With the progress of the times and the development of technology, aramid fibers have higher protective properties than other materials.It has the advantages of low density, high strength, good toughness, high temperature resistance, and easy processing - its strength is 5 times that of steel of the same quality, but its density is only 1/5 of that of steel, and it is still widely used today.

aramid fiber

Nowadays, people have developed aramid fibers that are lighter in weight, more comfortable to wear, better at ergonomics, and also have higher protective properties, better meeting the requirements of bulletproof vests.