
Thin plastered exterior wall insulation system protective layer - fiberglass mesh


The external wall thin plastering insulation system has many advantages such as cost-effectiveness and mature construction technology, and is widely used in residential, public buildings, and industrial buildings. Due to prolonged exposure to the outside or other issues, some thin plastered exterior wall systems may experience problems such as cracking, hollowing, and peeling of the decorative or insulation layer, seriously affecting the development of thin plastered systems in the field of exterior wall insulation.

fiberglass mesh

In the external wall thin plastering insulation layer system, alkali resistant glass fiber mesh fabric and plastering mortar are used together to construct a solid and reliable protective layer on the outer surface of the insulation core material for the entire system.

After the composite of fiberglass mesh and cement-based plaster, this protective layer with a thickness of only a few millimeters needs to provide functions such as impact resistance, crack resistance, and negative wind pressure resistance for the system, and has the function of "keel" in the insulation system.

Application of fiberglass mesh wall