
Basalt fiber reinforced HDPE: used for wave energy converters


Basalt fiber reinforced HDPE, as an enabling technology for low-cost WEC equipment, has contributed to various aspects of the energy trilemma by reducing carbon emissions, lowering energy costs, and utilizing wave resources in the UK to provide supply security.

Basalt fiber-reinforced high-density polyethylene (HDPE) provides a low-cost structural material that can resist ultraviolet radiation, corrosion, and biological pollution, thereby extending the life of wave energy converters and reducing maintenance requirements.

One challenge currently faced by wave energy generation is to reduce the levelized cost of electricity (LCoE), which is necessary to enhance the competitiveness of WEC power generation. Compared with traditional structural materials such as steel, using fiber-reinforced HDPE as a structural material can extend its service life and reduce maintenance costs. This can greatly promote the necessary reduction of LCoE. Wave energy is an inherent low-carbon energy source, and one goal of this project is to use recycled HDPE to reduce the environmental impact of the manufacturing process. The UK is in a favorable position in utilizing wave energy for power generation. The 2011 UK Renewable Energy Roadmap report stated that by 2050, wave and tidal energy could generate 27GW of electricity.

SeaEnergies Wave Energy Converter (scaled model)