
Carbon fiber fabric electrocatalyst enhances green hydrogen production


The UHIST team collaborated with Professor Kafer T. Tavuz from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology to develop a carbon fiber electrocatalyst embedded with high-performance catalysts using traditional carbon fiber cloth manufacturing processes. They invented a technology to address the limitations of current catalyst electrodes and produce green hydrogen on a relatively low cost scale.

Carbon fiber fabric electrocatalyst

This innovative design can operate stably on a large area by utilizing carbon fiber catalysts instead of easily detached powder catalysts. It is worth noting that this advanced electrode has a lifespan 100 times longer than traditional electrodes, while maintaining optimal performance by using ruthenium instead of more expensive platinum, significantly reducing manufacturing costs.

The team's innovative approach utilizes the excellent mechanical and electrical properties of carbon fibers, demonstrating their potential as multifunctional materials for future electrochemical reactions. By finely controlling the metal separation and micro carbon structure of the catalyst, researchers have achieved maximum stability and activity, enabling continuous production of catalyst fibers for direct industrial applications.